Who do we blame this time, is it the pilots,the weather, the plane itself or the engineers. Tell me Who? Again Kenyans bow their heads once more to mourn the death of their fellow citizens which was caused by a plane. Approximately four years back the same incident of plane tragedy took away the lives of prominent Kenyans. I think something has to be done to arrest this situation before it escalates further.

I agree it is true that accidents are hard to avoid and no one wishes to encounter one. However, if we took some time and think about the aftermath of an action, I think we can reduce these accidents. For example, lets have a look at the following basic precautions.
1. Avoid operating any moving object when drunk
2. Ensure you buckle up when inside a moving object

3. Go for an approved standardized item e.g standard aeroplanes, quality food e.t.c
Looking at the later precaution, you will realize that majority of people tend to go for low quality commodities just because they are cheap.
Well, thats fine, since the rate of inflation is also high. But the question is, Should we go for cheap things and die quickly or should we go for standard items and live longer. Do the planes carrying our leaders up to standard?
Rest in peace our dear citizens