This is the time when the poor become rich not from their hard work but from the wealthy pockets of politicians who are ready to buy their votes. Yes, it is the time when brothers turn against one another, colleagues differ and say goodbye, neighbors fight and kill each other and the mighty continue to grab wealth selfishly when the poor man suffers in anguish. I must say that this is the time when our strong social fabric that holds us together as brothers and sisters is torn apart by our political differences that only lasts for a short while.
As we patiently wait for the political season to pass by, it is our responsibility as Kenyan citizens to uphold peace amongst ourselves and to ensure that the greed of our politicians does not tamper with our unity. As human beings we have the obligation to peaceful vote in the people we feel that are capable of delivering our most important needs such as shelter, education, good health care services e.t.c. That is all we need to do at this time. Not to throw stones, not to kill one another, not to talk ill of one another and all other uncalled for actions. Let us coexist peaceful like we have always done, because we are all Kenyan all the time. PEACE!